Thursday, June 2, 2011

The 2 days that felt like 2 years

Tip Number 1: Talk to the person next to you on the plane, whether you think they would like it or not, he could be someone who God put into your life for a purpous.

Tip Number 2: Once off the plane, if you have a connecting flight, don´t get to distracted by fascination with the same French colligraper who was an old explorer of Perus ancient cities who was sitting next to you on the plane.

Tip Number 3: ALWAYS triple check your flight and gate number and the departure time of your flight with what is shown on the screen, and again at the gate. If it says J12 don´t assume it´s been changed to D15 because there is another flight out to Lima at the same time with almost exactly the same flight number.

Tip Number 4: Learn Another Language!

Tip Number 5: If you can- fly LAN!!

So once Jef and I arrive into Miami from San Fran we have a total of two hours to hop over to our connecting flight to Lima that departs at 12am and arrives in Lima at 435am their time. Lima is 3 hours ahead of the west coast. When we get in we get distracted by our buddy that we met in the plane seat next to us named Claude who was also going to Lima that we assumed that he was flying out on the same flight. Our tickets said Amerian although our flight number was weirdly identicle to one on the screen that says says gate J12, but being how Jef and I are we assumed that the gate had been changed which can definitely happen from time to time. I tried asking the man at the terminal if it has been changed and he didnt speak English but shook his head so I took that as a yea. However, once we tried to board the plane the ticket wouldn´t scan because it was for the wrong flight. Our ticket was indeed for the flight out of terminal J which was boarding at the exact same time as this flight to Lima. So we start to run!! Annnnd the tram is ot running between terminals because the airport is about to close so we have to run all the way to the opposite end of the airport, get through security, and run all the way to the end of the terminal. Now thank the Lord for Jef because he ended up running carrying both our packs to send me on ahead, however i´m running with things in my mouth and bunched up in my arms so I´m dropping things left and right including our boarding pass 3 times. As I stop to pick up our tickets I turn back and see Jef with a stoled luggage cart running towards me with our packs in it. He is swerving left and right between people, almost taking one down but we had no time to stop. By the time we ran through security our legs were about to give up but we ran to th end of the terminal still. We had 15 minutes to take off time left so I thought we were good, I saw the plane at the gate and I saw the man at the counter, but when I reached him he said ¨sorry your flight is gone¨

So I collapsed to the ground and Jef is pleading with the man. Once again thank the Lord for Jef because the man at the gate said he would make it possible for us to exchange our tickets the next day free of charge for a flight into Lima at 715 pm. So we took that! So we posted up in a nearby hotel since we couldn´t sleep in the airport. Now I wanted to call the airline to make sure that he left a message on our account for the next day but when we called they said that there was nothing there and since it was our fault we missed our connecting flight they didn´t think we coulg get our tickets exchanged. Once again my heart falls out my butt and I am in shock. We were going to have to wait until the next day to find out if the Lord truly wanted us to go on this trip or not, it was a 50-50 shot either way. So we prayed and prayed and Satan really attacked me that night, however, we realized that this was supposed to happen whether or not the trip was going to continue or not. Because we were idolizing this trip and money and travel before God when this trip along with whatever plans he may have for us are for him and him alone. We sleep in piece watching the Discovery Channel and the next day we get in line for 2 hours for our tickets.

At first we were told that the airline made no reservation for us, then we heard that our flight was full, the finally we heard that we were in! Stunned with relief we couldn´t believe that our trip ws actually going to happen! So we hopped on our flight, with the best airline in the world! Free food, free wine (which I did not indulge in) free tv shows, movies and games for the tv that is on the back of the seat in front of you. It ws miraculous!

Thank and praise the Lord for there were so many coincidences that  I did not write about that pointed this entire ordeal at him. And we love him for it :)

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