Thursday, June 23, 2011

Forced outside to Disco Dance

Whilst walking around downtown yerevan, directly under the mid day sun, jet-lagged, confused, hungry, and not even able to use a bathroom because our hostel has locked us out we realize two things: 1st The warning we got that the ONLY thing armenians do is glare you down, is a full blown understatement. and 2nd this freak'n sucks.
About the awkward silence and stare. You know in movies when someone walks into a bar and you hear the record player screech and every single bar member stops in their tracks and stares daggers at the protagonist of the movie. Yeah, every second of every day is like that in this country. We are in a constant state of watching everyone stop, mid-sentence, mid-walk, mid-everything, to stop and turn around completely and stare until their unibrows start to smoulder. This is also often occompanied by pointing, talking shit, and laughing histerically. I think a pretty massive undertone of my family is starting to make sense.
After we pull the plug on there being any possible way for us to be outside and NOT feel like we're in the ending scene of "The birds" we call it quits and shut ourselves inside.
If you need clarification:
This is where we are introduced to Mr. David Bechle and a way too jolly Britan named Jonathon.
Jonathon is just so rabidly happy and excited about everything in armenia that we have to completely disregard anything he has to say. He's just to damned enthusiastic for us to suffer at this point.
David just got back from renting a car and touring basically the whole country and is a lot more toned down. He then tells us he will be playing a show in yerevan the next day and invited us to english pop night at one of the local clubs. This turned out to be helariously epic. We showed up with david's tiny and weird little armenian friend that danced his ass off with 30 other locals, to the sounds of david bowey and iggy pop. This kid's dance routine was indescribable. If you were to mix an out of water fish with a puppet being tugged on by a 5 year old you've basically got his dancing style. And it never stopped, the entire night. Combined with some of the most glamorous arm dancing from all the other 29 performers made it probably one of the most akwardly epic grown-up version of a school dances I've ever seen. Good times.
Our little trio leaves in search more retro disco action to find absolutely nothing but settle for amazing shwarmas and head home.

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