Thursday, June 2, 2011

Once in Lima

Once we arrived in Lima we had 10 hours til our flight to Cusco, and we couldn´t sleep at the airport since our stuff may get stolen so we stayed up all night, I was delusional, and then hopped on our flight to cusco at 10 am. We met the most wonderful girl next to us who is part of a big mission organization so she does missionary work in the jungles of Cusco. We got all her missionary information, and she defiitely knows of CRU, and spoke English so she was a blast to sit next to. At first it was really hard to not be able to fluently communicate to others around you but you honestly pick up their languag so fast and there are so many ways to communcate to people, either through body language or expressions. So far it had ben sticky but not bad at all and we hav been practicing our Spanich plenty! We´re in Peru right now and we´re exhausted and about to hike Macchu Picchu so I have no time to say any details but we will in 4 days when we return. Please pray for our safety on this hike since it will be the most intense thing we´ve ever done haha. Talk to you soon! (Oh and forgive my typing errors for the last couple messages this keyboard is sticky and not exactly in English)

Much Love!

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