Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bit piece about greece's efficiency

So I'm totally amazed at this niche market that Greece has stumbled upon. It's a full rotation of efficiency marketing. So you get into Greece and buy mineral water, because it is literally the only type of liquid in a bottle that isn't soda or 8 euro a bottle juice. Drink it down and then shit fire while feeling like a gaggle of hedgehogs are trying to tear out of your abdomen. Then from that point drink more and more of the devil water now because you're totally dehydrated. And you're a little worried about dying and being found resembling an empty ketchup packet perched on a toilet. So you spend the rest of the night drinking mineral water and start this amazingly engenuitive process all over again, while spending two euro's a bottle to accompany your own rendition of kabuki theater in the bathroom. Awesome.

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